Dublin City Council invites applications for a Writer in Residence, as part of its Culture & Creativity Plan under the Creative Ireland programme. The residency runs for the period October 2017 to September 2018 and will be managed by Dublin City Public Libraries through the Director of Dublin UNESCO City of Literature, and will be supported in kind by Irish Writers Centre.
The residency is open to published writers working in any genre of fiction for adults and attracts a fee of €10,000 per annum.
The residency is envisaged as part-time, which will allow time for the writer’s own work, in addition to engagement and interaction with both the general public and, more specifically, with groups attached to Dublin City Public Library branch libraries across the city.
We are very pleased to announce that the writer in residence will have access, at agreed times, to a room in Irish Writers Centre, Parnell Square. It is a requirement of the residency that the writer spend at least 4 hours per week working with writing groups based in Dublin City library branches.
Dublin is part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and was designated as a City of Literature in 2010. The UNESCO designation ‘City of Literature’ recognises excellence and places an obligation on cities to nurture and support their art form locally, nationally and internationally.
Closing date for receipt of applications is September 22nd at 5:00pm, with interviews for shortlisted candidates being held on October 16th
Applications should be submitted in hard copy to:
Alison Lyons
Director Dublin UNESCO City of Literature, Dublin City Libraries, 138-144 Pearse St., Dublin 2
The Dublin City Writer in Residence is supported by The Creative Ireland Programme, an all-of-Government five-year initiative, from 2017 to 2022, which places creativity at the centre of public policy. Further information on The Creative Ireland Programme from creative.ireland.ie and ireland.ie
The Dublin City Writer in Residence is also supported in kind by Irish Writers Centre
Full details are available here: