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Granada Writers in Residence Programme 2023

Granada UNESCO City of Literature has just launched the call for applications for Granada Writers in Residence Programme for next November 2023.

The closing date for application submissions is May 31st, 2023. 

Knowledge of the Spanish language will be highly valued, although it will not be essential. 

What’s on offer: A month’s stay (30 nights) in Granada for two writers, between November 3 and December 2, 2023, at the Corrala de Santiago of the University of Granada.

Granada UNESCO City of Literature will cover the travelling expenses of each of the writers selected.

The University of Granada will arrange and cover the costs of accommodation for the two writers. Each will have their own room with full board at the university’s hall of residence for visitors (Corrala de Santiago).

Granada UNESCO City of Literature and the University of Granada will provide the writers in residence with opportunities to participate in the city’s literary life, arranging contacts with local writers, involvement in workshops, teaching activities, and so on.

Completed application forms should be submitted by email to the contact person in the offices of Granada UNESCO City of Literature, Carmen Casares, by no later than May 31, 2023.

The names of the two successful applicants will be announced on June 27, 2023, on the Granada UNESCO City of Literature website (


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