Enter the ILFU International Story Contest and win a chance at 10,000 euros in prize money
The ILFU International Literature Festival Utrecht is all about telling stories and holding a finger to the pulse of our times. This turbulent year 2020 simply begs for new stories to tell.
Stories from every possible perspective and any possible format to help us understand our past, our future, and the here and now. But we also need stories that move us, comfort us, and offer us relaxation and pleasant distraction.
The ILFU has therefore organised the International Story Contest with the theme: ‘Rise’. The winner will receive the grand prize of 10,000 euros, and will have a place of honour at the 2021 ILFU.
Tell us a story about ‘Rising’ in less than 3 minutes
There are many ways to tell a story, and the ILFU Story Contest is open to all of them: submissions of prose, poetry, non-fiction, film, photography, animation, music, song, rap, theatre, spoken word, dance, storytelling, vlogs, Instastories, TikTok videos or cross-overs of any of the above may compete in the contest.
The only requirement is that they can be told, watched or read in less than 3 minutes.
An expert jury made up of author Joke van Leeuwen, DJ Sagid Carter, actress and singer Manoushka Zeegelaar Breeveld, television host Dolores Leeuwin and storyteller Sahand Sahebdivani will select the winner from among the many submissions. The members of the jury have all proven their expertise in telling stories in a wide range of disciplines.
The jury will announce their Top 30 at ILFU 2020, and the winner will be announced on 3 October 2020.
The winner will receive the grand prize of 10,000 euros, and will have a place of honour at the 2021 ILFU. The 30 best stories will be published online and may win one of the additional prizes.
For full details please visit https://internationaleverhalenwedstrijd.ilfu.com/