We’re delighted to be one of the sponsors of the Words Ireland 2021 National Mentoring Programme. These mentorships are available for writers living on the island of Ireland. There is no application fee or costs involved.
Words Ireland is initiating 29 literature mentoring relationships to begin in September 2021. Closing date for applications is noon, Thursday 22 July, 2021. The opportunity is available to writers of:
- literary fiction
- creative non-fiction
- children’s / YA fiction
- poetry
Writers from all thirty-two counties can apply. 23 of the 29 mentorships are made possible thanks to the generous support of 15 different arts offices, arts centres, libraries and literature organisations.
For a second year running, they’re pleased to announce the Embassy of Colombia in Ireland is supporting a special mentorship, offered to a novelist, who will be mentored by acclaimed Colombian writer Margarita García Robayo.
Five mentorships are available to writers living in ‘all other counties’ thanks to funding from the Arts Council, who also make the administration of the National Mentoring Programme viable.
Mentors are nominated by selected mentees from Words Ireland’s growing panel of experienced, professional writers.
This opportunity is specifically for:
- emerging writers who can demonstrate a commitment to writing e.g. creative writing training or courses undertaken, journal publications, awards or notable mentions, or other recognisable achievements.
- Writers who have published one or two books and who feel they could benefit from further professional guidance and feedback on their work-in-progress.
- Writers with 3+ book publications who have begun writing in a form in which they have yet to publish a book.
Each mentorship consists of four meetings with an experienced writer over a period of approximately 6–8 months. The mentor will read your work in advance of each meeting, and will give feedback and advice at each meeting. They may also provide professional information and advice.
Mentee opportunities are open to writers of any age, race, gender, nationality who are resident in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland. All mentees will avail of the relationship for free. There is no fee for application. Words Ireland actively encourages applications from writers from diverse social, economic or cultural backgrounds.
For details on how to apply see https://wordsireland.ie/national-mentoring-programme-2021/