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Melbourne City of Literature – Virtual Writer in Residency callout

To all writers from our sister UNESCO Cities of Literature – we are inviting you to put yourself forward to be one of our virtual writers in residence in November this year.

From poets to playwrights, this is an opportunity to get to know Melbourne’s vibrant and varied literary community up close by spending November working with one of the many organisations that make us a City of Literature:

Below is the list of hosts that we have and the simple point of inspiration they are looking for!

Boroondara Libraries is looking for a writer to connect with a passionate literary community and explore a sense of place and local history from a fresh creative perspective.   

F Project is looking for a writer who exhibits the kind of quirky fun that makes life worth living and who will nurture the experimentation and creativity at the centre of our community.

Kingston Libraries Home is seeking an author to connect our diverse multicultural community with the world.

Melbourne Writers’ Theatre  is looking for an experienced playwright to share their knowledge, their culture, and perhaps their latest play with our community of enthusiastic playwrights.

Moorabool Shire Council – Moorabool Libraries seek a writer who is passionate about short stories, who can engage, inspire and guide writers of all ages, to foster a vibrant literary community in Moorabool.

Myli-My Community Library  is seeking engaging, passionate writer who is highly enthusiastic about working across a variety of age groups and genres.

Society Women Writers Victoria   is seeking a female writer to help us explore different short forms of writing to expand our members’ expertise and interest.

Whitehorse Manningham Libraries are seeking a writer who can engage our community and harness the power of literature to foster connections among diverse groups.

This content will be any three of the following (or three of just one of the following)

  • a workshop
  • a written piece
  • an appearance/ panel
  • a social media takeover

The residency will also include opportunities for meetings with all the writers in residence and facilitated further connections with Melbourne as a City of Literature

As one of our virtual writers in residence you will be paid $1500(AUD) and you will retain all copyright for your work.

To be eligible you need to be a writer and resident presently in one of the UNESCO Cities of Literature


Follow this link  express your interest in being a virtual writer in residence. You will be asked to nominate your choice of organisation and what you would love to do for and with them! We strongly suggest you have a look at all organisations and think of your interactions before starting this form.

They are looking to be excited and inspired by your thoughts and the possibility of connecting with you!

Deadline for submissions: 11.59pm Monday 2 Sept AET.

We invite you to explore all of our hosts online but if you have any specific questions to ask the City of Literature office

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