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Dublin City Council announces, Dublin, Written In Our Hearts as the One Dublin One Book choice 2025

To mark 20 years of the One Dublin One Book initiative Dublin City Council announces a special anthology
Dublin, Written In Our Hearts capturing Dublin in the first quarter of this century through contributions from 22 poets & writers as the One Dublin One Book choice for April 2025

For the last two decades, the ‘One Dublin, One Book’ initiative by Dublin City Council has encouraged everyone in Dublin to read the same book during April. The campaign which is led by Dublin City libraries encourages reading for pleasure and invites readers to participate in various events organised across the city associated with the selected book.

This year, the 20th anniversary of the One Dublin One Book initiative, Dublin City Council have announced that a new anthology of fiction, poetry, essays and memoir pieces collated in celebration of the city, as the One Dublin One Book choice for 2025. The book is edited by Declan Meade and published by The Stinging Fly Press and was commissioned by Dublin City Council / Dublin UNESCO city of literature for the anniversary year.

Dublin, written in our hearts features work from:

Kevin Barry, Estelle Birdy, Niamh Campbell, Kevin Curran, Roddy Doyle, Anne Enright, FELISPEAKS, Sarah Gilmartin, Róisín Kiberd, Caitríona Lally, Deirdre Madden, Belinda McKeon, Paula Meehan, Thomas Morris, Niamh Mulvey, Nuala O’Connor, Sean O’Reilly, Keith Ridgway, Peter Sirr, Stephen James Smith, Rere Ukponu and Karl Whitney.


The main character front and centre of the collection is Dublin. Readers are witness to the daily interactions which take place, from the lonely misfit in Caitríona Lally’s Eggshells to the loud antics of a Welsh stag party in Thomas Morris’ All the Boys to the eerie reflections of Róisín Kiberd in Night Gym. There is much in this anthology that may seem familiar, chance meetings in taxis and pubs, working in a busy restaurant, even planning for a wedding but it’s when we peel the layers back from story to story, the city reveals itself more vividly.

Announcing the choice, Dublin City Librarian, Mairead Owens, said:

“This year’s book, Dublin, written in our hearts is a special anthology to mark 20 years of the One Dublin One Book initiative. The collection reflects the spirit of Dublin and its inhabitants in the first quarter of the 21st century from new and award-winning writers and I know it will have broad appeal.”

Declan Meade, Stinging Fly publisher is excited about editing the anthology for One Dublin One Book programme, remarking:

“I moved to Dublin in 1995 so I’ll be 30 years living in the city this summer. Putting together this anthology has been a great opportunity to discover and revisit some of the wonderful writing that’s been produced about the city as it’s been changing and growing throughout the time I’ve been here. It’s also been lovely to reflect on how much the city in all its many guises means to me.”

Book available from 11th March.

Details of the One Dublin One Book programme will be announced on 4th March.

The One Dublin One Book initiative is also funded by The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media.

The Publisher

The Stinging Fly Press was launched in May 2005 and continues to operate alongside The Stinging Fly magazine to seek out, nurture, publish and promote the very best new writers and new writing. Over the past twenty years, the imprint has published landmark, award-winning debut story collections by Colin Barrett, Kevin Barry, Claire-Louise Bennett, Mary Costello, Wendy Erskine, Michael J Farrell, Nicole Flattery, Danielle McLaughlin, Mary O’Donoghue and Cathy Sweeney. It has re-issued the work of Maeve Brennan, while also publishing masterful new work by Sean O’Reilly and Philip Ó Ceallaigh. The Stinging Fly is funded by the Arts Council and receives additional support from the TS Eliot Foundation.

The IWC National Mentoring Programme Call for submissions

Calling all writers! Apply to the National Mentoring Programme 2025

A minimum of 35 mentoring relationships are on offer every year as part of the Irish Writers Centre National Mentoring Programme. Applications open via Submittable on Saturday 1 February 2025 and close on Sunday 2 March at 5pm. See below for full details and how to apply. 

We are delighted to be sponsoring 2 writers resident in Dublin to take part in this exciting programme.

The opportunity is available to writers of:

  • Fiction
  • Creative non-fiction
  • Children’s / Young Adult fiction
  • Poetry

Writers from all thirty-two counties are eligible to apply. Selected mentees get the opportunity to choose the writer they work with from our growing panel of experienced, professional writers (subject to availability).

Each mentorship consists of three meetings with an experienced writer over a period of approximately 6–8 months. The mentor reads up to 10,000 words / 180 lines of poetry in advance, and will give creative feedback at each meeting. They may also provide professional information and advice. All mentees will avail of the relationship for free.

Who are our mentors?

We currently have more than eighty professional writers to choose from on our mentoring list, made up of poets, prose writers and children’s/Young Adult writers. Most writers on our mentor list have published 3 or more books with traditional publishers and have a wealth of teaching and/or mentoring experience. Selection of mentors is always mentee-led. Mentees can also choose to work with writers who are not on our list where they’re keen to work with particular writers. Mentees selections are dependent on mentor availability at any given time.


This opportunity is specifically for:

  • Emerging writers who can demonstrate a commitment to writing e.g. creative writing training or courses undertaken, journal publications, awards or notable mentions, or other recognisable achievements.
  • Writers who have published one or two books and who feel they could benefit from further professional guidance and feedback on their work-in-progress.
  • Writers with 3+ book publications who have begun writing in a form in which they have yet to publish a book

Mentee opportunities are open to writers over the age of 18 who are resident on the island of Ireland.

The Irish Writers Centre encourages applications from writers whose backgrounds are typically underrepresented in Irish literature. We particularly invite applications from Black, POC (person of colour), Traveller, Roma, LGBTQIA+, disabled and working class writers.

Applicants should neither be in full-time education at the time of application, nor planning to undertake a full-time education course at the same time as their mentorship .

If you have received mentoring through this particular mentoring programme within the last three years, you are ineligible to apply.

Applications for mentees will only be accepted through Submittable. Only one submission per applicant is allowed.

Deadline for submission: 2nd March 2025.

This initiative is supported by Dublin UNESCO City of Literature.

Find out more

Longlist for the 2025 Dublin Literary Award is Revealed


Photo Chris Bellew / Fennell Photography.

The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Emma Blain, Chief Executive Officer, Richard Shakespeare, City Librarian, Mairead Owens and Professor Chris Morash, Chair of the Judging Panel recently launched the longlist of the 2025 Dublin Literary Award at the Mansion House.

Celebrating 30 years of excellence in world literature this year, the Dublin Literary Award is the world’s most valuable annual prize for a single work of fiction published in English, worth €100,000 to the winner.

Novels by 7 Irish authors are among the 71 books nominated by 83 libraries around the world for the 2025 Dublin Literary Award, which is sponsored by Dublin City Council.

The longlist spans 34 countries in Africa, Europe, Asia, the US, Canada, South America, Australia, and New Zealand, featuring 26 novels in translation and 16 debut novels. If the winning book is translated to English, the author receives €75,000 and the translator receives €25,000. Some of the original languages of translated books include Korean, Farsi, Icelandic and Slovenian.

Ljubljana City of Literature Translation residency Sovre’s Study

The Slovenian Association of Literary Translators (DSKP) is announcing an open call for residency programmes for 2025 in two areas:
1. Literary translation from Slovenian into other languages
2. Literary translation of other language combinations

1st  Open Call Area:
Translation of literature, humanities and social sciences from Slovenian into other languages

Location 1: Trg borcev NOB 12, 1431 Dol pri Hrastniku, Slovenia; loft apartment in the third floor of a building without an elevator
Location 2: Homestead Pri Kovačevih, Volčji Grad 54, 6223 Komen (August only, accessible with your own transportation)

Duration: 4 weeks (1 month)
Expenses covered by the organisers: accommodation and end-of-stay cleaning, a local bus ticket, a library card for using the local library, free entrance to local cultural institutions, a one-time payment in the planned amount of 600 euros gross. The programme of translation and mediation of Slovenian literature into other languages is supported financially by the Slovenian Book Agency. Family members: family members can stay in both residences. The cost per family member is 50 euros per week.

Description of the residency programme for translators from Slovenian:
In 2025, the Slovenian Association of Literary Translators will provide a subsidised residency stay to 5-8 translators from Slovenian into other languages for 4 weeks (1 month). The subsidised residency programme of the Slovenian Association of Literary Translators is aimed at beginner or established translators of Slovenian literary works, humanities and social sciences to other languages who have so far had at least one book-length translation or several shorter translations published in book form and/or in printed or electronic media of high standard. Priority will be given to translators applying for the residency for the first time who will be contributing to the promotion and establishment of Slovenian literary works and humanities in other countries with the project applied for. The residency is intended for independent, individual translation or research work. Translators-in-residence will be included in the activities of the Slovenian Association of Literary Translators and/or the local community during their stay, depending on the content framework and organisational possibilities.

Planned periods of residency stay:
Location 1: from March 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, except for July and August.
Location 2: August only. When applying, please provide two different desired residency periods.

Application instructions:
Please apply for the residency in Slovenian and submit the following required annexes:
– a short CV of the candidate with a bibliography of translations;
– a short description of the project to be undertaken by the applicant during their residency stay (max. 1,800 characters with spaces);
– two possible desired residency periods

2nd Open Call Area:
Translation of literature, humanities, and social sciences of other language combinations
Location 1: Trg borcev NOB 12, 1431 Dol pri Hrastniku, Slovenia; loft apartment on the third floor of a building without an elevator
Location 2: Homestead Pri Kovačevih, Volčji Grad 54, 6223 Komen (August only, accessible with your own transportation)

Duration: 2-4 weeks
Expenses covered by the organisers: accommodation, a local bus ticket, a library card for using the local library, free entrance to local cultural institutions.
Expenses covered by the resident: payment for utilities and cleaning in the lump sum of 50 euros/week; insurance against accidents and health insurance for abroad, travel expenses, food, and other expenses. The invoice must be paid no later than 3 days prior to the arrival at the residency. In the event of early termination of the stay, the resident is not entitled to a refund of the lump sum paid. Family members: family members can stay in both residences. The cost per family member is 50 euros per week.

Description of the residency programme for all translators:
In 2025, the Slovenian Association of Literary Translators will provide a residency stay to a limited number of translators according to the available time slots. The residency is intended for independent, individual translation or research work.

Planned periods of residency stay:
Location 1: from March 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, except for July and August.
Location 2: August only.
When applying, please provide two different desired residency periods.

Application instructions:
Please apply for the residency in English or Slovenian and submit the following required annexes:
– a short CV of the candidate with a bibliography of translations;
– a short description of the project to be undertaken by the applicant during their residency stay (max. 1,800 characters with spaces);
– two possible desired residency periods.

The deadline for application for both open call areas is January 28, 2025.

Submitting the application documentation
Please submit your application by e-mail no later than Tuesday, January 28, 2025, to the address:
For the subject, please write: “OPEN CALL – Translation residency Sovre’s Study 2025”.

Only applications including all the required annexes and submitted on time will be considered. An expert committee consisting of three members will decide upon the applications. The applicants will be informed of the decision no later than Friday, Friday, February 7, 2025.
For additional information, please contact:, +386 (0)30 745 333 (Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 and 13:00)

Description of the residency on location 1 (Dol pri Hrastniku):
The residency is located in Trg borcev NOB, the center of Dol pri Hrastniku, in a building originally built in 1850 which has been renovated and is the cultural meeting point of the town. The modern loft apartment had been thoroughly renovated. It has a floor area of 48.45 m2 and comprises of a hallway, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, a bedroom and a pantry. The apartment is completely furnished and comes complete with furniture, basic kitchen appliances, and all other necessities. It has wi-fi but not a computer.
The residency can be reached by public transportation by taking the train to Hrastnik and then a bus to Dol pri Hrastniku. Buses operate more frequently during the weekdays. Amenities in the vicinity of the apartment include a post office, a store, a restaurant, a café, a bus station, and a cultural place of interest—a small bookstore called ‘the Dragon’s Den’ run by members of the Rast Society which is the meeting point for all who appreciate literature and culture. There are many opportunities for hiking and trekking nearby (such as the Sovre Hiking Trail), as well as meeting the locals, but the location is also very quiet and as such perfect for undisturbed in-depth work.

Description of the residency on location 2 (Volčji Grad):
The 200-year-old homestead Pri Kovačevih is located in the centre of the unique Karst village of Volčji Grad in the municipality of Komen. It is surrounded by a charming Karst landscape offering countless attractions: cycling and hiking trails, the famous fortified village of Štanjel (13 km), exceptional Karst caves (Postojna, Škocjanske jame), Sežana (20 km), Trieste (25 km), Venice (150 km). The village is located a few kilometres (approx. 20 minutes’ drive) away from the sea with its picturesque coastline and beaches. In Komen, which is reached by a 2 km long forest path, there is a shop, post office, pharmacy, ATM, bar and 2 pizzerias. There is no public transportation.
The homestead has been hosting cultural and artistic events for two decades – concerts, literary evenings, short residencies for musical groups, educational workshops and seminars. During the residency, the owner of the house, publisher, author and translator Martina Kafol will organise one or two literary events with the resident and offer him/her the opportunity to visit cultural events in the vicinity, including the European Capital of Culture GO! 2025.

Volčji Grad website (in Slovene):
Volčji Grad website (in English): 

The residency programme Sovre’s Study for translators in Dol pri Hrastniku was founded in 2020 by the Slovenian Association of Literary Translators (DSKP) in cooperation with the Hrastnik Municipality. The programme for translators from Slovenian is financially supported by the Slovenian Book Agency.

Promotional video of Sovre’s Study in Dol pri Hrastniku and the Municipality of Hrastnik: HERE

Additional information on the Municipality of Hrastnik: HERE


Additional information on the Municipality of Komen: HERE

Contact:, +386 (0)30 745 333 (Tuesday and Thursday between 10:00 and 13:00)

Vilnius City of Literature Translators’ Residency


Vilnius UNESCO City of Literature, in collaboration with the Lithuanian Culture Institute, invites Lithuanian literary translators living abroad to apply for a 3-4 week residency in Vilnius.

The residency period is available between 1 March and 31 August.

Travel expenses will be covered, per diems provided, and suitable living and working conditions ensured.

The residency period will be arranged individually with each translator.

Priority will be given to translators with specific translation projects and publishing contracts. Applications are welcome until 31 January (inclusive).

Decisions about the applications will be made by 14 February.

For more information and to apply 

For more detailed information, please contact us via email at


Ljubljana City of Literature: Slovene Writers’ Association Residency

The Slovene Writers’ Association offer a 2- 3 week residency in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Programme description:

The SWA residency programme is primarily intended for foreign literary intermediaries, i.e. translators who have completed their studies and have translated and published at least two translated works (the programme is not intended for students), or publishers who have published and promoted at least one translated work, or literary agents who have concluded at least one contract with a publishing house for the translation of Slovenian fiction and humanities. Only translations of Slovenian literature and humanities into a foreign language are considered. Preference is given to those translators, publishers and literary agents who contribute to the promotion and recognition of Slovenian fiction and humanities abroad with their work and activity.

In 2025, SWA will allow a maximum of eight translators, publishers and literary agents to stay in residence.

Fields: literary translation, publishing and literary promotion

Location: Praprotnikova Street, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Duration: 2-3 weeks

SWA covers: apartment, accommodation

Resident expenses: transportation costs, meals, accident and health insurance

Duties of the SWA: networking with Slovenian authors and the rest of the literary public, possible presentation of the visiting resident to the public

Responsibilities of the resident: participation in the literary event, a short report on the resident hosting

Application deadline: 28 February 2025

Duration of the residency program: 20. 3.-31. 12. 2025

Application instructions:

The application should be submitted in Slovenian or English. The application must contain the following attachments:

  • a short CV with a list of publications and/or promotional activities
  • a brief description of the activities carried out and planned during the residency in Ljubljana and after the residency (maximum one A4 page)
  • proposed period of stay in the residence (and two additional possible periods, in weeks)


Applications must arrive by e-mail no later than 28 February 2025 to the e-mail address:

The email subject must clearly state “INVITATION – SWA 2025 Residency Programme”.

Only complete and prompt applications will be considered. The SWA Commission for international cooperation will decide on the applications. Applicants will be notified of the results in early March 2025.









Dublin UNESCO City of Literature Small Grants Scheme 2025


Dublin UNESCO City of Literature supported by Dublin City Council provides small grants up to a maximum of €5,000 to individuals and organisations which contribute to the promotion of literature in the City.

We are particularly interested in projects that:

  • display innovation and diversity,
  • prioritise free and accessible events for the public.

Funding is available for activities/ projects that take place  during 2025.

We are committed to allocating our limited resources across as many organisations as possible and this may mean that recipients who have been successful in receiving funding in the past may not necessarily be allocated a grant again in 2025. It may however be possible for a partial grant to be given so it is useful for us if you break down your submission into constituent parts to enable us to identify where we may be able to assist in some way.

CLOSING DATE:  Monday 20, January by 5PM

Download the PDF below.

Grant Application Form 2025 


If you require a Word version please email 

Please email the completed form to


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Open Call for Nanjing International Writers’ Residencies 2024

Photo of Nanjing city of literature


The Programme

Nanjing is offering 6 residencies in 2024 to writers, poets and translators from all UNESCO Cities of Literature.


Nanjing International Writers’ Residencies means to bridge the city’s literary community with its international counterparts. This yearly program was initiated in 2019. It has hosted 30 writers, poets and translators from the subnetwork.


Nanjing boasts a literary tradition of over 1800 years. The city served as China’s capital for about 400 years across six dynasties. Its heritages left from those dynasties and its diversified culture today have all contributed to its role as a “most luring destination” for inbound travelers to China. It has made much difference in modern Chinese literature, a possible unexplored treasure house for international writers.



The Theme

The theme for 2024 program is “Life is Better with Literature”. Literature is born from daily life, giving us unlimited imagination, and at the same time, under the guidance of literature, we learn to experience life with a broader perspective of the world and more delicate emotions. With the 2024 program, we would like to invite six writers to deeply experience the life in the historical city of Nanjing. This may include the literary events, reading clubs, cultural adventures, city walks, random encounters and meetings etc., simply to probe into diversified aspects of Nanjingers’ life today.


With “Life is Better with Literature” as the theme for 2024, we hope that the daily life in Nanjing will become an inspiration for literary creation, and that literature will ultimately light up the brilliant sparks of our lives.



The Timing

Open call for applications: from Friday 6 September till Monday 30 September

The final decision will be announced on Thursday 10 October

The residency: from Wednesday 30 October till Friday 15 November


What We Offer

  • 2-week in-person residency in Nanjing City of Literature;
  • Tours to culture landmarks and literary places in Nanjing;
  • A selection of local literary activities;
  • Dialogue with Nanjing writers, poets, translators, literary organizations, and students;
  • The flight tickets, food, accommodation and local transport will be provided;
  • And stipend of 1200 USD for each writer-in-residency.


What We Expect

Selected participants are supposed to

  • Be connected to a UNESCO City of Literature (either a resident or one who works or studies in that city, or has other connections with that city as recognized in writing by a UNESCO City of Literature office)
  • Have at least three-year experience in writing, or at least one published work ( book in print, all genres acceptable), or have received awards that are recognized by your local literary communities.
  • Be willing to interact with Nanjing’s literary communities, emerging and established writers; as well as to partake in local literary activities;
  • Write a piece of work in English (no less than 1000 words, or 50 lines for poetry) that is inspired by the residency, or translate Chinese stories, poems or prose into English; (All the virtual writers will retain the copyrights of their works. Please understand the works might be used for promotional purpose by Nanjing Literature Center)
  • Be fluent in spoken English, or Chinese;


Documents for application

All applicants are supposed to submit

  • An CV with a passport photo and a life size photo;
  • Extracts from his/her published works;
  • Proof in writing of his/her connection with a City of Literature, when applicable.


Please send all the required materials to the following contacts prior to Monday 30 September.



Danni Yang

Project Manager



UNESCO cities of literature attend 16th UNESCO Creative Cities Network Meeting

UNESCO cities of literature attend 16th UNESCO Creative Cities Network Meeting in Braga, Portugal, 1 to 5 July 2024

From 1 to 5 July, 35 UNESCO Creative Cities of Literature attended a meeting for the UNESCO Creative Cities to share ideas, best practices and celebrate the importance of creativity in sustainable urban development across the network.
During the conference Cities of Literature Mayors co-signed the Braga Manifesto: A Culture Goal for Sustainable Development. This pivotal text outlines local-level commitment from Creative Cities implementing the MONDIACULT 2022 Declaration and solidifies a shared vision of integrating culture as a standalone goal in the post-2030 Sustainable Development agenda.

Cities of Literature had a strong involvement in the creative programme of the conference, as well as shaping the cultural policy at an international level. Each City of Literature donated a children’s book to a mobile children’s library that travelled around Braga during the week of the conference giving readings and performances of the books to young people in the local community.
Young writers at home in Cities of Literature also engaged with the conference creative programme via the Letters to the Future project, sharing their own hopes and wishes with international cultural leaders. A letter from Éire Ní Fhaoláin, a young Irish writer was displayed in English & Portuguese. READ HERE

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