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Tolka Journal Submissions

Announcing Tolka, a new Irish literary journal of non-fiction

Tolka is a new biannual literary journal of non-fiction, supported by the Arts Council: publishing essays, reportage, travel writing, auto-fiction, individual stories and the writing that flows in between.

“We are a journal for writers to express themselves beyond the limits of fixed genres, forms or subjects. We seek to publish work from a wide range of backgrounds and environments –work that emphasises the luminous aesthetic of ordinary experiences; work which insists on its social and democratic importance in everyday life.”

Tolka is open for submissions 20 January–10 February 2021. For full submission guidelines, please visit Contributors are paid for their work and receive a
copy of the issue in which they feature. They welcome queries through their website, too. Tolka is edited by Liam Harrison, Seán Hayes and Catherine Hearn.

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